Psalm 37:7

"Be still and rest in the LORD;

Wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him."

-Psalm 37:7

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Bear Cubs Daily Part 2" -Sundays are best spent w/my Family -read bottom for our life lesson learned today.

Tonight, I found Sister bear doing Yoga, all on her own. She was watching the "Goodnight Show" on the SPROUT channel. I was catching up on some emails and she was winding her evening down with a "REACHING FOR THE STARS" pose. Love this child.
Littlest one.
Camping Dept, here we come!

"Up up, in the Alligator we go!"
-her favorite.
We stopped to watch the airplanes take off and land.
-after church.

Sister bear made friends w/her Sunday school teacher today. (Sis bear was a bit timid with Miss Purple's strong personality) We talked about this teacher for weeks and how she was scary. I thought about talking with Miss Purple, but I didn't have to. We walked in this morning and she greeted Sister bear so warmly and with a welcoming smile that I think it may have taken her by surprise. She did not expect that I'm sure.

This week, I asked her if she knew her name and she said, "no". So my plan was to get to know her a bit and so together Sister bear and I made THEE plan that we would ask her, what her name was. After Sister bear was so kindly greeted, she immediately asked -on her own and so matter-of-fact, "What's your name?" Miss Purple smiled and answered, "Miss Purple!" It was a smooth and happy breakthrough.

Sister bear walked all the way into class and never looked back for me. I slipped out quietly and met Papa bear for service. What a relief. Normally, I have to coax her in to staying, because she had a little fear towards Miss Purple.

We learned today that we cannot run from things, people or situations that may feel a bit uncertain or make us feel uncomfortable. We can talk about it and find solutions. Some things may take time, but we can try at least and go from there. I was so proud of her for asserting herself with such a -in her words, scary situation. I almost detoured us to another church, so I learned too, not to run or give up, but try to work through it. See, our little ones teach us just as much as we teach them, life lessons.

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