Psalm 37:7

"Be still and rest in the LORD;

Wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him."

-Psalm 37:7

Monday, October 20, 2008

How to make an Owl -Art Project!

With my love for owls, I can't resist sharing this lovely little art project with you. Sit down with your little ones or cut out some alone time for yourself to craft away!

Follow the link for step-by-step instructions. Browse the blog for more fantastic art projects. Gail, the artist has the same philosophy I believe in when working with your creative side,

"My whole philosophy of art with kids is to engage them with the PROCESS. This means making the materials to create from.
Much more satisfying than just purchasing them. It also teaches them patience. The results will be one of a kind and you will have taught your child techniques that can be applied to a multitude of projects."


LindaRizz said...

Stella, Lisa and the boys, what a great time it looks like you're having. What a life! Traveling all over the country. The pictures are great. It's hard to believe Stella is that big already. Fisher looks solemn like our Baby Roy. Big boy!

Mama Bear said...

thanks, linda.
we do have a good life.
i am blessed....

aw, baby roy -send me photos!

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